Toku Pepeha
Tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Taranaki tōku maunga.
Ko Whanganui Tōku awa.
Ko Aotea Tōku waka.
Ko Taranaki Tōku iwi.
Ko Ngati Rauru Hapu
Ko Ngati Tairi Toko hapu
Ko Okorotua Tōku Marae.
Ko Kiana Buchanan ahau.
Ko island Tōku kainga inaianei.
Ko Gisborne Intermediate Tōku kura.
Ko Buchanan Tōku ingoa whānau.
Ko Doug Tōku matua.
Ko Tracy Tōku whaea.
Ko Kiana Tōku ingoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
We created our Pepeha to show all the different culture and the stories of who we are and where we're from. Each Pepeha is a different story and different meaning. I think a Pepeha is a great way of saying who you are when you're in a different place. Pepeha is just another way of saying hello this is who I am.
-Kiana Buchanan